5 Reasons Why Cold Winter Weather Can Cause Inflammation In The Body

Are you waking up with swollen hands and body aches this winter? Find out the reasons behind it and how you can cope with it.

Why Does Inflammation Happen In Cold Weather?

Winter season is difficult for arthritis and osteoporosis patients but it is also very difficult for ordinary people. Very cold temperatures and frequent temperature fluctuations can lead to inflammation of tissues in the body. This can cause discomfort and pain.

Here Are Few Reasons Behind Inflammation

The human body has joints and there is a fluid present in the joints to ensure easy mobility. In winters, the cold temperature causes the fluid to become thicker which leads to inflammation and swelling. This can also be painful.


It is important to stay active during cold weather because inactivity can also cause a lot of body ache. Inactivity can lead to nerves and muscles causing body aches and inflammation.

Temperature Fluctuations

Winter seasons also causes chilblains or inflammation in your hands and toes. This happens firstly due to extreme cold exposure and secondly due to temperature fluctuations from very hot to very cold.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Inflammation can also occur due to vitamin D deficiency. As it is in winters, it is very difficult to get proper sun exposure. This already brings the vitamin D levels down. If your vitamins levels become too low your bones and muscles are going to suffer. Therefore, following a very rich vitamin D diet is important.

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